Destiny 2 Broadsword

The full details have been revealed as to how Destiny 2 players will earn the controversial Redrix’s Broadsword in the game’s upcoming fourth season that begins with the release of the Forsaken expansion. As explained by developer Bungie in its blog this week, Redrix’s Broadsword will be unlocked by way of a Crucible quest, rewarding players with a basically identical version of the Redrix’s Claymore, the current season’s most exclusive PvP reward.

Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's shared world, action FPS looter-shooters: Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. The Broadsword will feel somewhat similar to the Claymore and will be available by completing a special quest offered by Shaxx. Once that task is complete, it figures into Destiny 2's new. Correct me if I'm wrong bu there isn't an ornament for redrix's broadsword, and if there is it hasn't been discovered. Original Poster 2 points 2 years ago. Action FPS looter-shooters: Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting.


Ever since the announcement of the existence of Redrix’s Broadsword, Destiny 2 fans have launched into a debate about the fairness of such a weapon existing, as well as wondering what it will take for players to get their hands on the unique weapon. Amidst the controversy, Bungie decided to share the full details of the quest that will unlock Redrix’s Broadsword. And it looks to be quite the grind.

Step 1:

In the Crucible. Defeat 200 opponents with Pulse Rifle final blows.

How to get redrix broadsword

Step 2:

Reach Valor Rank “Heroic”

Step 3:

In the Crucible. Earn 75 Double Plays.

Step 4:

In the Crucible. Defeat 150 opponents with precision final blows from any Pulse Rifle.

Step 5:

Destiny 2 Broadsword Pulse Rifle

In the Crucible, defeat 50 opponents with Arc final blows

In the Crucible, defeat 50 opponents with Solar final blows

In the Crucible, defeat 50 opponents with Void final blows

Step 6:

Complete 25 Crucible matches in Quickplay (Rotators count)

Complete 25 Crucible matches in Competitive

Complete 25 Crucible matches in Rumble

Step 7:

Complete 20 Crucible Bounties

Step 8:

Reset your Valor rank 5 times within a single season

Step 9:

Visit Lord Shaxx and claim your reward.

While these steps take the pressure off of players from having to climb Destiny 2‘s competitive PvP ladder (which was required of players to earn the original Redrix’s Claymore during Season 3), there is a still a significant time commitment for those wanting to get their hands on Redrix’s Broadsword. The difference in many ways is that the requirements of this quest are much more about time played in the Crucible over rewarding high skill in PvP; albeit, skilled players are going to get through this quest much faster than lower-skilled players.

The biggest hurdle of the quest could be the last step—resetting one’s Valor rank five times within a single season. Although, if Bungie keeps up with occasional double and triple Valor weekends, that grind could speed up for players.

Even with the reveal of the significant time commitment it will take to get Redrix’s Broadsword, many fans are still unhappy. Bungie had referred to Redrix’s Claymore as a weapon that would only ever be available during Season 3 and yet a better version is on the way. Still, others are bemoaning the length and commitment of this quest, so there are perspectives on all sides of this argument.

Interestingly, before the quest’s details were revealed, even one of Xbox’s executives got in on the action, criticizing Bungie for adding Redrix’s Broadsword into the game at all.

Destiny 2: Forsaken releases on September 4, 2018 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Bungie


  • Claymore is shelved on the 4th. (Twitter)


  • SBMM isn't on in Quickplay. (Twitter)


Hey all,
Yesterday, we announced the goal of removing time pressure associated with Glory ranks, and that Pinnacle Crucible rewards will be awarded via quests starting in Season 4.
Redrix’s Claymore will remain exclusive to Season 3. The Redrix’s Broadsword will be available through a pinnacle weapon questline in Season 4 offered by Lord Shaxx. To set expectations, here are the quest steps that must be completed in order to acquire Redrix’s Broadsword:

Step 1:
• In the Crucible. Defeat 200 opponents with Pulse Rifle final blows.
Step 2:
• Reach Valor Rank “Heroic”
Step 3:
• In the Crucible. Earn 75 Double Plays.
Step 4:
• In the Crucible. Defeat 150 opponents with precision final blows from any Pulse Rifle.
Step 5:
• In the Crucible, defeat 50 opponents with Arc final blows
• In the Crucible, defeat 50 opponents with Solar final blows
• In the Crucible, defeat 50 opponents with Void final blows
Step 6:
• Complete 25 Crucible matches in Quickplay (Rotators count)
• Complete 25 Crucible matches in Competitive
• Complete 25 Crucible matches in Rumble
Step 7:
• Complete 20 Crucible Bounties
Step 8:
• Reset your Valor rank 5 times within a single season
Step 9:
• Visit Lord Shaxx and claim your reward. (Forums)

Q. Does resetting your valor rank counts retroactively. For example if i reset the rank 2 times before the step does it count for the quest step or no?

Nope. (Twitter) (See below under 'Kevin' for more on this)


  • Valor Rank resets only count during the season in which you have the quest in your inventory. Past resets will NOT count towards this. (Twitter)
  • Any rank related objective can be completed anytime during the season and will count once you hit a step that requires it. Making Valor progress during the early steps still makes progress towards the later step. So capitalize on those booster weekends and the changes to Valor win streaks in Competitive. If you keep grinding Comp you’ll get a full Valor streak and keep it even on loss.(Twitter)

Q. Does this mean that if I reset my valor twice while working on the quest it’ll count towards the later step? Believe you said no in this case? Just kinda confused with this.

It will still count so long as all 5 are done in the same season. This is only the case with the rank objectives. (Twitter)

Q. Am I right in thinking that theoretically if I am at the reset valor stage but do not complete it in season 4 I can do it in season 5?

Correct! (Twitter)

Forging the broadsword destiny 2

Q. Let's say while a player completes step 1, does that produce progress on step 4 once they reach it? Or is it a clean slate for each step?

Clean slate. Earn it. (Twitter)

Q. Are all quest steps available to complete? or do i need to complete step 1 to access step 2?

Step by step. (Twitter)

Q. After getting my Claymore I went into comp solo and am now at 2090, I take it I'll still get the emblem tied to getting the Claymore/reaching fabled or do I need to get back to 2100?

Destiny 2 Broadsword Review

Just getting Claymore and hitting Fabled is enough. Deranking will not hurt that. (Twitter)