Paper bills have long been the only way to account for financial flows, but thanks to ManageMart the things have changed, as this software offers quick and easy account management. Now you don't need to waste time on papers – just quickly enter all the necessary data and all is done!
- Irrigation Calculation Software Engineer
- Irrigation Calculation Software Developer
- Irrigation Contractor Software
- Connect your QuickBooks account to ManageMart and keep all your accounting records up-to-date.
- The soft synchronize in both way: Invoices, Customers, Expenses and Estimates.
- With ManageMart you can sync your expenses with more than 1400 banks.
- This saves a lot of your time which can be used for more important matters.
- You can create categorise of your expenses.
- You can now quickly calculate the payments of each employee
- With ManageMart It is so easy to filter and search any financial transactions.
CROPWAT is a free irrigation design software for Windows. It is an advanced irrigation design software through which you can calculate the water requirements for crops during and after the rainy season, calculate irrigation requirements according to the type of soil, and calculate climate and crop data.Plus, it allows you to create a schedule for the irrigation according to different water. The Ganga Environmental Flow Calculator is a software package for rapid assessment of EFs in different locations of the Ganga basin, India. The EF estimation procedure is similar to that of the GEFC. The user interface in the Ganga Environmental Flow Calculator consists of GIS layers only of the Ganga Basin (Figure 3). It has three source data. Irrigation Association. 8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive Suite 400 Fairfax, VA 22031 Tel: 703.536.7080 Fax: 703.536.7019. Calculator for Pressure, Flow and Layout of a Solid Set or Micro Drip Irrigation System Use our online irrigation layout calculator to check Valve and Manifold positions. IrriMaker created this online calculator for free use. We hope it benefits you as well as intrigue you into looking further into IrriMaker.
Irrigation software

Overwinter storage of soil water (ASW) and precipitation (P) for NW Kansas An MS-Excel 2003 template (31 kb)
This program can be used to calculate the amount of additional overwinter soil water storage and storage efficiency based on initial soil water and anticipated precipitation.
Additionally, one could evaluate fall preseason irrigation by assuming it as 'precipitation'.
Sprinkler partitioning amounts for fully developed corn canopies An MS-Excel 2003 template (31 kb)
This program can be used to calculate stemflow, throughfall, and interception storage for fully developed corn in 30 inch rows as affected by sprinkler irrigation package.
KISCORN an Excel 97 template (90 kb)
This is a simple irrigation scheduling program for corn on deep silt loam soils in western Kansas.
Irrigation Calculation Software Engineer
Irrigation Energy Cost Comparison an Excel 97 template (18 kb)
This program can calculate irrigation pumping costs and compare costs between energy sources.
Irrigation Calculation Software Developer
CPflow An Excel XP template (21 kb). This program can be used to calculate desired sprinkler nozzle flows at a specified radius.
Irrigation Contractor Software
Clear day solar radiation calculator This program can be used to calculate the maximum solar radiation on a given day of the year for a specific latitude. Uploaded May 25, 2009.